I suggest that people try to ‘like’, ‘comment’ and/or ‘share’ something posted in their news stream, each time they visit their LinkedIn page. This activity helps you engage with your community, helps amplify the original message and is an easy way to keep your newstream active without having to create and post your own content. Each action causes a slightly different message to be broadcast to your links. Here is an explanation of the difference between ‘liking’, ‘commenting’ and ‘sharing’ on LinkedIn and some screen shots to show you what will appear in the news streams of your connections.
Here is a typical LinkedIn Post, as found in your LinkedIn news stream (the information on your HOME page). Note that you can LIKE, COMMENT and/or SHARE the post to YOUR connections by clicking any of the links displayed.
When you LIKE a comment, a message is posted in the news streams of your connections, that looks like this.
When you SHARE a post, without adding a comment or status of your own, it looks like this:
When you share, you also have the option of adding it, as a status update of your own, allowing you to write something that will accompany the post.
in which case, it looks like this in your connections’ news feed:
You also have the option of Sharing with a Group and/or posting this to Twitter. To share with a group, click that box and as you type, the names of your groups will come up as options. To share on Twitter, just check the box (note, this will only work if you have previously linked your Twitter account to your LinkedIn account. See post here for that tutorial)
And/or you can share the post to an individual.
Once you click on that little box next to the link, you will see new fields appear
You can send to contacts and/or to someone’s email address. As you type in a name, LinkedIn will auto suggest the names of your contacts. Pick one or more.
LinkedIn will pre-populate the form with a basic message but I HIGHLY recommend personalizing this. It does not need to be long but please take a minute to explain why you are sending this info to them.
Note that at the bottom of the form, you have the option to let recipients see each other’s names and/or email addresses. Check this box if you DO want them to be able to see each other’s info.
When you share something like this, LinkedIn will essentially email the link, on your behalf, to the recipient(s). Nothing is posted in the news streams of your connections.
You are also able to COMMENT on any status updates in your news stream. To do this, click on the ‘COMMENT’ link or just start typing in the comment field if it is visible.
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Liking, Commenting and Sharing on LinkedIn is easy to do, helps improve your visibility and keeps you engaged with your community. Try to do this each time you visit LinkedIn!
To learn more about LinkedIn, please see these posts:
How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
How to Create an Effective LinkedIn Profile
And call us TODAY at 212.664.1872 to set up a time to optimize YOUR LinkedIn presence!