What are YOUR Goals for 2021?
As we start the new year and talk about goals for 2021, I would first like to take a minute to say Thank You! In addition to selling our family home, moving back to NYC (yes, INTO the city as everyone was fleeing) and dealing with lock downs and all
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Re-use Existing Assets to Create New Content
Recently, while reading an article about strategies for re-using existing architectural assets, I realized that some of the same techniques can be applied to re-use existing assets to create new content for your blog, website and social profiles. One of the biggest problems that clients face is with creating new
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The KEY to Content Marketing Success
This morning I received a GREAT question: “What is the #1 habit of highly successful content marketing campaigns” Here is my answer: CONSISTENTLY sharing CONTENT OF VALUE is key to content marketing success. Getting – and STAYING – in the habit of creating and sharing valuable content is key! [Tweet
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