Note: this checklist is designed to accompany the live or virtual ‘Getting Started on LinkedIn’ presentation. Please attend the presentation for a full list of tasks and for explanations on how and why to complete these tasks.
- Use a Professional Address
- Professional Photo (80×80)
- Include office phone number, blog, FB (BUSINESS PAGE only) + website
- Complete your Summary – not necessarily a full resume, keep it relevant
- Add nick names and primary schools if helpful for finding you
- Include all relevant Applications, Languages and Skills
- Give – and request – recommendations
- Think about KEYWORDS!
- Sign in (be careful not to join again!)
- Check your inbox every time you visit LinkedIn!
- Get your Vanity URL (https://lisamariediasdesigns.com/2011/05/03/setting-up-a-vanity-url-for-linked-in-tutorial/ )
- SHARE the link! Email, business cards, website, other Social Media profiles
- Post CONTENT of VALUE – regularly (at least once a week)
- Connect generously
Helpful Articles and sites:
http://www.facebook.com/LisaMarieDiasDesigns (Daily hints, tips and articles)
http://www.linkedin.com/in/lisamariedias (Please add me to your Linked In network!)
http://blogs.forbes.com/work-in-progress/2011/06/27/why-women-need-to-network-online/ (NOT just for women!)
Looking to optimize the time you spend on LinkedIn?