Using the image above, I explain that there are different types of people we can market to:
Raving Fans: those who know and love us and are probably already our brand ambassadors
Customers: those who have used our services or purchased our products but might consider alternatives
Prospects: those who are connected via fans and/or customers but have not yet used our services
Suspects: those who might be interested in our products and services if only they knew we existed
Disinterested: those who are not a good fit and are not going to buy our products or services
Then I go on to explain that in the interest of wisely using our marketing resources and our valuable time and effort, I suggest that we NOT focus on the Disinterested.
Focusing your time and money on new or soon to be new parents is key to making sure that the message you are sending is of VALUE to the recipients and makes it that much more likely that they will actually buy your products or services.
It is also important that you build your email list with this in mind. You need to have a clear understanding of the value you offer and clearly position yourself and your e-newsletter such that people perceive and understand that value. They will know if the news you will be sending is of interest to them and your efforts will more likely be rewarded with conversions and purchases.
You cannot, and should not try, to make EVERYone love you. Know your target audience and focus there. It will make your life easier and make it more likely that they will join the ranks of Raving Fans!
If YOU need help defining your target market, or know your market but need ideas for content of value to engage them, please email me at LMD@LisaMarieDiasDesigns.com or give me a call at 212.664.1872 to set up a time to meet so we can come up with a plan that will help YOU use your marketing resources wisely.