Dan Edds, a client and first time author, wrote to update me on his progress with building a social platform to launch his new book. Here is his experience, in his own words:
#Howto Build a #SocialPlatform to #LaunchaBook Share on XBuilding a Social Platform to Launch a Book
After four years of research and personal interviews with CEOs and executives of elite organizations in healthcare, manufacturing, K-12 education, the U.S. Army, a NFL Superbowl Champion, I wrote the book. It stands as at the apex of my career. I had selected my top book five agents and designed a custom pitch to each one. Within ninety minutes of sending, my first choice of agents responded back. “Sorry, without a social presence I cannot represent you to any publishers”.
It was a bit of a blow but not unexpected. LinkedIn became my tool to build my platform. At the time, I had 149 connections, mostly friends and a few associates. I went to work developing quality connections and building relationships where I could. Ten months later, and with the guidance of LisaMarie, I am, frankly, stunned. Not only was I able to build over 2000 quality connections but these relationships have led me to secure endorsements I would never have thought possible.
My book is now strongly endorsed by thought leaders and worldwide experts from places like Australia, South Africa, and the UK. These endorsements have given me the credibility to ask for other endorsements in the U.S. as well.
As the book is preparing for printing I now have the social presence and platform to market the book and present myself as the expert in my field. I could not have done this without LinkedIn and the tutoring, coaching, and mentoring of LisaMarie.
Three takeaways:
- LinkedIn IS an excellent tool for making connections with REAL people.
- Building a strong foundation takes time. This was not a ‘quick fix’ – these results took almost a year to achieve, but the platform he has built will serve him well for years (possibly decades) to come.
- Hard work pays off. Dan not only listened carefully and took notes but he took ACTION. He implemented our plan, stuck with it and made it work.
Are YOU writing a book? Need help with creating an effective social presence of your own? Need help building a social platform to launch a book? Give me a call or email me at LMD@LisaMarieDiasDesigns.com, I can help!
To learn more about Dan and his new book, The Genetics of Leadership click here (includes a synopsis and free chapter download).
And for more LinkedIn Success Stories, check out