Recently, a client asked:
“I am receiving Facebook Friend Requests on my Personal Account from people I do not know. I think that they are hearing my radio interviews and then inviting me. I would like them to follow me on my Facebook Business Page – what should I do?”
This is an excellent question! It is great that people are following up after hearing and meeting her and she is correct in wanting to direct them to her Business Page.
The easiest way to do this is to go to the person’s profile by clicking on the BLUE LINK with their name on it in the Friend Request notification to send them a note clarifying that you would like them to join you on your Business Page.
Once on their profile page, you will have the option of sending a ‘message’
Click on that link and a small window will open. Compose a short message asking them to join you on your Facebook Business Page and INCLUDE YOUR FB PAGE ADDRESS.
Include the entire address so it will be a hot link and FB will pull in the image of your Page – you will know you did it correctly if the sidebar image from your FB Page automatically populates the message.
Click “Send”
Now, go back to the original friend request and click on the “Not Now” button.
And in the future, whenever you are being interviewed live or on the radio or have the opportunity, be sure to ask people to join you (or ‘Like’ you) on your FB Business Page. Do not just say “find me on Facebook” but give them your Facebook Business Page address. Having a Vanity URL makes this easy!
If you have not yet set up your Vanity URL on Facebook, please click here for a tutorial – it only takes a few minutes and makes sharing your address much easier!
And if you do not yet have a Facebook Business Page, please consider setting one up – it is the professional way to have a business presence on Facebook. Give me a call if you need any help getting started!