How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content for Training

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content for Training

a quick tutorial on How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training.

Many of you have asked, how can I stop AI from using my data to train their AI? While there is no one, simple answer, here is a quick tutorial on How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content for Training.

Per an article last week from,, I learned about a setting on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter) that allows GROK, Elon Musk’s AI (Artificial Intelligence), to use your posts, interactions and inputs on “X”, ‘for training and fine-tuning’.

When I went in to check if I was ‘allowing’ this on my profile, I noticed that while this is a setting you can adjust, the default is ON.

For those of you who may NOT want to allow this, here are the steps to turn it OFF.

Note that these screenshots are taken on a PC desktop (IOS should be similar – look for the headings shown) and that these changes can ONLY be made via the DESKTOP interface!

  1. Log onto X
  2. in the lefthand column, scroll down and click on ‘MORE’

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training


3. A small pop-up menu will appear. Click on ‘SETTINGS and PRIVACY’ 

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training

4. In the next window, click on ‘PRIVACY and SAFETY’

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training

5. Scroll down to the Data sharing and personalization section and click on ‘GROK’

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training

6. ‘Data Sharing’ will, by default, be set to ON – UNCHECK that box to turn it OFF

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content for Training

7. There is an option here to ‘Delete conversation history’ – this will, theoretically remove any of your conversation with GROK that they have already gathered. That horse has clearly left the barn, as they have already collected our data, but you can click that link as well to possibly eliminate your content from their files.

How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content and Interactions for Training.

While this process will, by no means, protect your content from being scraped from this or any other platforms, at least it will show you How to Keep GROK from Using Your X Content for Training and allow you to indicate that you do NOT want them to use your data to build, maintain and ‘fine-tune’ their AI.

And one last reminder: do not post anything on X, or any social platform, that you do not want scraped, gathered or otherwise seen or used by AI.

Safe surfing!


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