HELP – I Can’t Find My LinkedIn Home Button!

HELP – I Can’t Find My LinkedIn Home Button!

LinkedIn Home Button

Since the latest round of LinkedIn updates, I have received numerous calls, emails and direct messages asking me where the LinkedIn Home Button went! Yes, you are not imaging it, the word HOME is NOT always visible on every page. But the LinkedIn logo icon IS – and you can ALWAYS CLICK ON THE LINKEDIN ICON to be taken back to the LinkedIn Home page!

You can ALWAYS CLICK ON THE LINKEDIN ICON to be taken back to the #LinkedIn Home page! Share on X

Here is a screen shot of the icon WITH the word home

LinkedIn Home Button

And here is a screen shot of the icon alone

Clicking on EITHER ONE will take you back to the LinkedIn Home Page on ANY device – your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet!


Here is another version you may see

LinkedIn Home Button

The screen shot above was taken AFTER ACCEPTING an invitation. You will notice, when you accept an invitation on your desktop, that a NEW WINDOW OPENS. Clicking on the LinkedIn icon at the top WILL take you back to your Home Page but then you will have TWO HOME PAGES OPEN.

You can always check to see how many tabs you have open on your desktop browser by looking at the top row of tab labels.

LinkedIn Home ButtonYou can see from the screenshot above that after clicking on the icon on the page where I accepted the invitation, that I then had LinkedIn open in TWO tabs.

Having multiple LinkedIn pages open can cause problems – like when you work on profile changes and save them – so it is best to check this and to keep and work in only a single tab. To close any extra page(s), you can just click on the little X to the far right of the tab(s) as shown below.

LinkedIn Home Button

Hopefully this will help you find YOUR LinkedIn Home Page Button! Please let me know if you need any further assistance with using and optimizing your LinkedIn profile.















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