This week, someone asked me how to use Facebook to find a job. Like those commercials we watched when growing up which reminded you that cereal was ‘a healthy part of a complete breakfast’, Facebook is most useful when it is part of a comprehensive job search strategy.
Facebook can be an excellent way to let the world know you are looking for a new job. If you are already employed, just be sure that you are cognizant of your privacy settings and that your current boss isn’t a facebook friend – or a friend of a friend! It can also help you connect and network with a wide range of friends, friends of friends and to search for new opportunities.
But first, be sure to have a complete, professional LinkedIn profile to refer to when people ARE interested in learning more. Even in the most creative of disciplines (artist’s apprentice?) a LinkedIn profile will give you a competitive edge and increased credibility. To continue with the earlier breakfast analogy, LinkedIn is the plate of bacon and eggs. Make sure that you have a fully optimized LinkedIn profile, including educational background, work experience and skills so you can quickly follow up on any opportunities you may find. This will also help you to be found by those employers and head-hunters who are searching for candidates.
Looking to optimize the time you spend on LinkedIn?