Easy to delegate tasks that will help you improve your online presence!
Are you lucky enough to have an intern working with you this summer? Or have a tech savvy teen or college student that is looking for some extra work? Here are 10 online tasks that are a perfect fit! These easy to delegate tasks will help you better understand what other’s are seeing online when they search for you, make you more ‘findable’ and improve the quality of your online presence.
- 1. Do an online (Google, Bing, etc) search on:
Your name
Your company
Your products or services
Your competition
Your keywords - Set up (and show you how to monitor) Google alerts for:
Your name
Your company
Your products or services
Your competition
Your keywords
(note: you may not keep all of these active but give them a week or two to see what comes up) - Set up a Social Mention alert (like a Google Alert for social media sites)
- Set up/ flesh out your social media profiles
Add awards
Recent projects
Book reviews
Slideshares - Create business listings on the free directories (see http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/10322/The-Ultimate-List-50-Local-Business-Directories.aspx?source=Blog_Email_[The+Ultimate+List%3A+5] for a good list of options)
- Create groups for your email contacts
– Different companies you work with
– By project
(note: Then you can shift your contacts into the appropriate groups) - Link your social media accounts to your email contact lists to find people you may want to ‘invite’, ‘link to’ or ‘friend’
- Solicit, gather and upload testimonials
- Record you on video, in action, at your next presentation.
- Upload that and any other multi-media to YouTube and then link to your website and social media profiles.
And if you need help with these tasks or would like to create an effective online marketing plan, please contact me at LMD@LisaMarieDiasDesigns.com I would be happy to help!