Should I Create a LinkedIn Newsletter?
Recently, you may have received a notification via email or in your LinkedIn notifications, letting you know that one of your LinkedIn connections has published a newsletter. Hopefully, you clicked through and read it. If you are a savvy businessperson, your next thought may have been, ‘Should I create a
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A Healthier Approach to Social Media
Lately, there has been a lot of news around the negative and debilitating effects that social media can have on users. Especially young people. As someone who helps people use these tools, I find this terribly upsetting. I hate the idea that the tools I am promoting to grow their
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The Great Resignation
According to a recent survey by Microsoft, more than 40% of the global workforce are considering leaving their employers this year. The media has dubbed this ‘the Great Resignation’. If you are one of the many people out there, looking for a new, more rewarding position, give me a call
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How to Monitor and Measure Your Social Media Presence
I talk to people all the time who say that Social Media is a ‘waste of time’. And yes, it CAN be, no doubt about that! This post will outline how to monitor and measure your Social Media presence to determine if YOU are wasting YOUR time. Here is a
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How to Improve your LinkedIn News Feed
One of the reasons that people don’t make time to visit and interact on LinkedIn is because they don’t enjoy it! My remedy for this is to improve your LinkedIn news feed so it is filled with people and news you actually WANT to see. In my ongoing quest to
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How to Find Leads on LinkedIn
This post will show you how to find leads on LinkedIn and explain what to do once you find them! A client that I am working with, is starting a new business. We are working on everything from strategy to branding and everything in between. These are great projects and
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What are YOUR Goals for 2021?
As we start the new year and talk about goals for 2021, I would first like to take a minute to say Thank You! In addition to selling our family home, moving back to NYC (yes, INTO the city as everyone was fleeing) and dealing with lock downs and all
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How to Edit the Icons in Your LinkedIn Profile Experience Section
I received a great question from a client this morning about the icons in the LinkedIn profile experience section. He asked, “How do I swap out a logo that appears next to ‘Company Name’? ” Specifically, he wanted to change one that had pre-populated when he added the company to
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Career Advice – How to Sign Up to GIVE or RECEIVE Advice via LinkedIn’s Career Advice Hub
NOTE: 2022 Update LinkedIn is actually closing down this feature – you can learn more at https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a519725 Please continue to follow this blog and my social profiles to learn about new features on LinkedIn and other social platforms. Thank you! Since late 2017, LinkedIn has offered a Career Advice
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