How to Edit the Icons in Your LinkedIn Profile Experience Section
I received a great question from a client this morning about the icons in the LinkedIn profile experience section. He asked, “How do I swap out a logo that appears next to ‘Company Name’? ” Specifically, he wanted to change one that had pre-populated when he added the company to
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Career Advice – How to Sign Up to GIVE or RECEIVE Advice via LinkedIn’s Career Advice Hub
NOTE: 2022 Update LinkedIn is actually closing down this feature – you can learn more at https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a519725 Please continue to follow this blog and my social profiles to learn about new features on LinkedIn and other social platforms. Thank you! Since late 2017, LinkedIn has offered a Career Advice
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How to Request a LinkedIn Recommendation – Tutorial with Desktop and Phone Instructions
Here is how to request a LinkedIn Recommendation from both your desktop computer and your phone: PC Desktop instructions (scroll down to see Android phone instructions) 1. Log into LinkedIn and go to your HOME page 2. Start typing the name of the person you want to have recommend you,
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Q and A: LinkedIn Recommendations
The other day, an old friend and colleague asked a great question, ‘How can I get more LinkedIn Recommendations?‘ Here is an excerpt of my answer along with a link to a TUTORIAL I have written on ‘How to Request LinkedIn Recommendations‘: LinkedIn recommendations are a valuable component of any
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Email Marketing: Email Service Provider (ESP) Recommendations
Recently, someone from the new website “What Say the Experts“, contacted me. They were looking for an Email Marketing Expert to discuss ESP’s (Email Service Providers) for small businesses. Below is an excerpt of the content I sent him for the post: 98.4% of people surveyed have said that they
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Building a Community on Instagram
Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when building a community on Instagram. Whether you are starting from scratch or are already on Instagram but find it a waste of time and do NOT look forward to checking your feed, these tips will help you make the most of
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What to do BEFORE your Instagram Account is Hacked
Here is some advice on what to do BEFORE your Instagram account is hacked. I cannot ‘un-hack’ your account but if you take these steps, we may be able to avoid a hacking and/or minimize the subsequent hassle. Some tasks can be done from your phone, others involve links that
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LinkedIn for Brainstorming and Feedback
LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for building your business. In addition to building your professional network, it can be used to establish your expertise, help you find a job or job candidates, be a source for finding leads and opportunities and much more. One use that you may not be
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A Checklist of Things to Include in an Introductory Email to a Potential Client
Do you send unsolicited emails to prospects and leads? I do not usually recommend this tactic as it can lead to getting your email address blacklisted and can start your relationship off on the wrong foot but I realize that many business people rely on this approach to fill their
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