The Difference Between Sharing an Update and Publishing a Post on LinkedIn
Recently, a client asked a great question, “What is the difference between Sharing an Update and Publishing a Post on LinkedIn?“ There is actually a THIRD option for sharing content via your Personal LinkedIn profile, as well – to ‘upload a photo’. Here is a brief explanation of each action
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Email Notifications for LinkedIn Messages
This morning, a client wrote to ask my why he was no longer receiving his LinkedIn ‘messages’ via email. I have the new LinkedIn app on my phone, with the new messaging features which push notifications to my phone so I had not really realized that I too, was no
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How to Delete a Tweet
Recently, a client asked me how to delete a tweet. There are many reasons you might want to delete a tweet: You see a typo, after you have posted the tweet You scheduled something in advance and when it goes live, it is no longer correct or relevant You want
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Facebook Marketing – a Facebook Group Case Study
This past Saturday morning, I was notified that I had been ‘tagged’ in a Facebook post. It seems that I was now part of a GROUP that was set up like a virtual hostess party, to sell beauty products. Since I am both active on Facebook and a digital marketing
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Moonlighting: Including Unrelated Experience in Your LinkedIn Profile
A webinar participant asked a great question on a call this week – he wanted to know if and how to include the work he did in the evenings and weekends, which was in a totally different field from his ‘day’ job, on his LinkedIn profile. Here are some options
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How to Unlink on LinkedIn
Sometimes, you find yourself connected to someone on LinkedIn who you just do not want to be connected to. Whether it is someone you never should have connected to in the first place or someone who is oversharing and you just no longer wish to be connected to, here is
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How to Mute Someone on LinkedIn
Sometimes, you are connected to someone on LinkedIn who shares waaaay too much info or posts way too often. If it is someone that you want to stay connected to, a quick solution is to ‘hide’ them. Hiding them will allow you to stay connected without having to see their
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LinkedIn Endorsements
Every once in a while, I will come across a LinkedIn profile with skills but NO LinkedIn Endorsements. This is very unusual, since LinkedIn actually works to help you get endorsed for the skills you list. Usually, it is because the profile owner has either deliberately – or accidentally –
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The KEY to Content Marketing Success
This morning I received a GREAT question: “What is the #1 habit of highly successful content marketing campaigns” Here is my answer: CONSISTENTLY sharing CONTENT OF VALUE is key to content marketing success. Getting – and STAYING – in the habit of creating and sharing valuable content is key! [Tweet
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How to Use LinkedIn to find Strategic Partnerships
LinkedIn is an excellent tool to help you establish your expertise, to do research, network professionally and of course, to find a job and job candidates. It can also be valuable when looking for businesses to partner with. Here are some suggestions for how to use LinkedIn to find Strategic
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