Facebook Notifications – How and Why to Use Them – Tutorial
Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm decides what you do and don’t see in your newstream. They do this for a number of reasons:to keep you from being overwhelmed by the insane quantity of posts being shared daily to make sure you see information from those you have indicated you are ‘close friends’
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How Networking Groups Can Help Increase Your Visibility on Facebook
Last week, I did a presentation for a networking group on ‘Using Your Online Resources Wisely’. For these presentations, each person briefly introduces themselves, tells me which social platforms they are on and their biggest social media related problem. After doing a large number of these presentations, the four problems
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How to Create an Effective LinkedIn Profile
I help people create effective LinkedIn in profiles. Sometimes we start from scratch, sometimes we edit their existing profile, more often than not, we combine multiple profiles into one. But no matter where we begin, we first need to understand who it is we are trying to attract and how
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Auto Follow Back on Twitter – Why I am happy to see it discontinued
‘Auto follow back’ is the term used when you automatically follow anyone who follows you on Twitter. This can be done manually – when you see someone has followed you, you go to their profile and follow them – or before last week, it could be done automatically using any
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What to do if you Hate Facebook
“I hate Facebook!” I hear this statement a LOT. Actually, Facebook is the one platform that people seem to hate most vehemently. To be honest, many people who say this actually hate the IDEA of Facebook – of what they THINK it is. Many who make this statement have never
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How to See Who You Are Friends with on Facebook – Tutorial
[Tweet “Want to see who you are friends with on Facebook?”] See this post to unfriend someone and this post to unfollow or unlike a page you have liked on Facebook I can help you effectively use Facebook to engage your community and grow your business.

How to Un-Follow a Page that you have Liked on Facebook – Tutorial
[Tweet “You cannot un-follow a sponsored post but you CAN hide them”] I can help you effectively use Facebook to engage your community and grow your business. View our Facebook Training Services and Classes

How to Un-‘friend’ Someone on Facebook – Tutorial
See this post to UNFOLLOW a Page You have Liked I can help you effectively use Facebook to engage your community and grow your business. View our Facebook Training Services and Classes