
Email Notifications for LinkedIn Messages

Email Notifications for LinkedIn Messages

This morning, a client wrote to ask my why he was no longer receiving his LinkedIn ‘messages’ via email. I have the new LinkedIn app on my phone, with the new messaging features which push notifications to my phone so I had not really realized that I too, was no
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how to delete a tweet 2

How to Delete a Tweet

Recently, a client asked me how to delete a tweet. There are many reasons you might want to delete a tweet: You see a typo, after you have posted the tweet You scheduled something in advance and when it goes live, it is no longer correct or relevant You want
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Favoriting a Tweet on Twitter

A client sent me an excellent question the other day: “When I am reading tweets, I realize that if I favorite it can save them, then go back and send a tweet with my own comment later. But I am not sure how to do this!” Here is my answer:
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LinkedIn Groups – Q & A

Earlier this week, I replied to a journalist’s query regarding the advantages and benefits of participating in LinkedIn Groups. I thought that you might find the answers helpful! Q: What do you enjoy most about LinkedIn Groups? A: Access to people and info that I would not normally have the
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