Email Marketing Success Stories – Bette Frick, The Text Dr.
Name: Elizabeth Frick, PhD. Company: The Text Doctor® Background: Dr. Elizabeth (Bette) Frick teaches writing and communication to employees of corporations and governments in the Denver Metro area and the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul. Her interactive classes and practical workshops help everyone improve communication skills. Bette holds a PhD
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Facebook Updates are rolling out faster than we can mention them!
In an attempt to keep up with G+, Facebook is rolling out updates almost daily. Whether you use G+ or not, it is all good for Facebook users! For those of you that have not yet seen the updates, click on your ‘update status’ button (see red arrow below) to
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Adding Video to your Constant Contact E-Newsletter – Tutorial
Adding video to an email marketing piece can be a pain, involving taking a screen shot of the video and adding it, with a hot link, to your publication. It can require having screen shot editing software and a bit of tech savvy. But Constant Contact has a tool which
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10 Lessons Learned – When the Lights Go Out!
Within the past week I lost my electricity and then, on a separate occasion, my email access. While both episodes were fairly short lived, they were frustrating experiences. I wanted to share some lessons I learned so if this happens to you, it may be a little less time consuming
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Turning off your Facebook Group Notifications – tutorial
Note: this post was updated May 2013 to reflect the current FB format “Help!! I am drowning in Facebook Group notifications and emails!!” This is a cry I hear all too often. Being a member of a Group on Facebook can be an excellent way to stay in touch, keep
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Who you follow + Who follows you = Your networking experience
Imagine that someone told you about a GREAT new networking group that you just HAD to try! “EVERYone goes and there is a ton of activity!”, they promise. Always on the lookout for good networking opportunities, you would probably take the time to check it out.
Free Online Directories Help Customers Find YOU!
FREE Online Directories People no longer use the yellow pages to find a business or service, they search online – these directories are the ‘new’ yellow pages. Make sure that your business is listed so those searching will find YOU.
What to do when Business Associates send Facebook Friend Requests
Recently, a client asked: “I am receiving Facebook Friend Requests on my Personal Account from people I do not know. I think that they are hearing my radio interviews and then inviting me. I would like them to follow me on my Facebook Business Page – what should I do?”