What to do when Business Associates send Facebook Friend Requests
Recently, a client asked: “I am receiving Facebook Friend Requests on my Personal Account from people I do not know. I think that they are hearing my radio interviews and then inviting me. I would like them to follow me on my Facebook Business Page – what should I do?”

Creating a ‘Vanity URL’ for your Facebook Page – tutorial
Please click here to see our UPDATED tutorial on ‘Creating a Vanity URL on Facebook’ A Facebook “Vanity URL” is a clean, easy to remember web address for your Facebook Business Page. In addition to being easier to share, both online and in person, this type of URL address
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The Case of the Missing Facebook Page
Recently, while updating a client’s website, the webmaster called to tell me that the Facebook business page link that I had sent was not working. I re-sent the link only to have her call right back saying that that too, did not work.
Multiple Personalities
When one social media profile is not enough… A dear friend of mine, Juliet Foster, is both a (fabulous!) photographer and a photography teacher. She is grappling with creating her online marketing plan and asked me how to deal with the two different areas of interest, especially on social media
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Using Facebook as a ‘Page’ – Tutorial
Comment and Post on Facebook as either your Personal or Business Profile! This week, Facebook changed the look and functionality of the Business Pages. There are lots of great new additions, my favorite being the ability to comment and post on other pages on FB either as your personal profile
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Adding Facebook link to LinkedIn – Tutorial
HOW – TO: Add Your Facebook Page Link to Your LinkedIn Profile First, this should only be done with your Facebook Business Page, not to link back to your Facebook Personal Profile. Step 1: While logged into your LinkedIn account, go to ‘Edit Profile’