How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial
There are a number of reasons to close your LinkedIn account, almost all related to having multiple accounts. See my other LinkedIn blog posts for those scenarios. Once you are SURE that you want to close it down, and you are SURE that you are in the account that you
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Hashtags on Twitter – How and why to use them – Tutorial
Thank you to Craig Chapman of CBA Empire for this great question: “I am at a tradeshow; everyone is talking about hashtags on Twitter, how can I use them too?” Hashtags, the ‘#’, ‘pound symbol’ or ‘number sign’ key on your keypad, are used to aggregate and follow information on
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The new Facebook Subscribe Feature – Tutorial
Here is the top Facebook question I have been getting this month: “What does it mean to ‘subscribe’ to someone on FB and should I allow this?” Interestingly, if you are a ‘friend’ of someone on FB, you are already ‘subscribed’ to them. You get their updates and they get
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LinkedIn Company Pages – now with status updates!
LinkedIn company pages have been available for quite a while. Like a profile page for your business, these ‘pages’ are really a series of pages with tabs and images, allowing you to create a mini website right on LinkedIn. There are multiple formatting options, allowing you to feature Services and/or
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How Non-Profits are using Social Media – Links and Resources
As of October 31, 2011 Facebook will no longer support ‘Discussion’ tabs on their FB Pages. I have always used that page for posting resources and links and will now move them over to my blog so that you will continue to have access to this valuable info.

Blogging Links and Resources
NOTE: Please see my Pinterest Board for Blogging Resources for up to date tips and resources http://www.pinterest.com/lisamariedias/blogging-resources/ As of October 31, 2011 Facebook will no longer support ‘Discussion’ tabs on their FB Pages. I have always used that page for posting resources and links and will now move them over
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Setting up a Vanity URL for LinkedIn – Tutorial
Please click here to see our updated tutorial on ‘How to set up a Vanity URL on LinkedIn’ One of the most important reasons to set up a vanity URL for your LinkedIn page is so that you can easily share the address with others. A “vanity” URL is
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