I Do Not Want To Waste Time Talking To Friends From Elementary School – Can This Really Help Me With My Business?
Yes. Social media sites and online tools and directories can help you find leads, establish yourself as an expert in your field and be found by people searching for your products and services. You need not reach out to old friends nor do you need to accept their invitations. We
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I Don’t Like To Network In Real Life, Why Would I Do It Online As Well?
Networking is an important (I would go so far as to say a necessary) activity to drive business growth. Online networking can make this easier and save you time and money over attending live events. Actually, I find that some people that are uncomfortable networking in real life DO enjoy
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I Hear That Social Media Is A Huge Time Drain, Why Do You Recommend This?
Social media CAN be a real time drain. The internet and even your phone can be time drains as well, it is all about how you use them! By having a clear plan and focusing the time you spend on those sites following the plan, your time will be used
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I Am Not ‘Good’ At Technical Stuff – Is There Anything That I Can Do Online?
I can teach you how to use any of these tools on your own. Other than a website, most of the tools, including blogs, social media and even directories are no more complicated than writing an email. Even if this is new to you, I can get you up and
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All This Online Stuff Is So Overwhelming – And I Am Not Very Technical – Is There Something ‘Easy’ I Can Do
‘Easy’ for you might be ‘hard’ for someone else. We can discuss all the options and come up with a plan that is easy and effective for YOU and YOUR business. Depending on your strengths and business needs, we can usually find at least one tool or site that is
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What Is A ‘Webinar’?
A webinar is a web based class you attend virtually. There is an audio component (you call in to a phone number and listen to the presenter) as well as a visual component (you visit a website on your computer to see the slides or video the presenter displays). Our
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I Don’t Even Have A Website, What Do I Do First?
This will depend on YOUR needs and goals. I can help you sort through the options, clarify your needs and goals and come up with a plan to meet those goals.
What Do You Mean By An ‘Online Presence?’
An online presence is a way for people to connect with you online (virtually, on the web). This can include, but is not limited to having a website, profiles on social media sites like FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter and listings on basic online directories such as Google, Yahoo, etc. I
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Resource Center Article 1
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