
How to Monitor and Measure Your Social Media Presence

I talk to people all the time who say that Social Media is a 'waste of time'. And yes, it…

How to Delete a Tweet

Recently, a client asked me how to delete a tweet. There are many reasons you might want to delete a…

Favoriting a Tweet on Twitter

A client sent me an excellent question the other day: “When I am reading tweets, I realize that if I…

Social Media Mise en Place

'Mise en place' is a French phrase meaning "putting in place". It is usually used in the context of food…

Too Many Retweets?

Are you seeing too many retweets in your Twitter stream? If you are active on Twitter, you are probably following…

Finding Time to Manage Your Social Media Presence

One of the biggest challenges to successfully using Social Media for business, is finding time to MANAGE your social media…

What To Do After You Have an Article Published

Getting an article published in a reputable magazine or blog can be a great way to establish your expertise and…

Twitter Following Limit – Breaking Through the Twitter Branch Ceiling

What to do when Twitter will not let you follow more than 2000 people When you are new to Twitter,…

Social Media Scheduling Tools – Tips and Best Practices

Technology can be extremely useful when it comes to monitoring and maintaining your social media communities. Social media scheduling tools…

Social Media Marketing Automation – Making it Work For You

Social media marketing automation can be very helpful when it comes to monitoring and maintaining your social media presence but…