Without a plan, you really ARE wasting your time on social media. And your email marketing is more likely to be ignored. An effective strategy, built around YOUR goals, tech experience, time and budget, is essential to digital marketing success.

Contact us to get started today


Without understanding why, how and when to use various tools and platforms, it is easy to become overwhelmed. And when you are overwhelmed, you are less likely to put your plan into action. We show you how to use the tools that are right for YOU to meet YOUR goals.

Contact us to get started today


Plans need to be implemented, statuses need to be updated and emails need to be sent in order to really achieve your business goals. We can show you how to do all this but when you don’t have the time, staff or bandwidth to do it in house, we can do it for you.

Contact us to get started today

Social Media in 20 Minutes a Day

DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE E-BOOK! Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks can be both a blessing and a curse. They can be invaluable for growing your business but also a huge time drain! This FREE E-Book outlines the daily, weekly and monthly tasks you need to complete to effectively monitor and maintain your profile on some of the most popular social media sites, in 20 minutes a day (or less!).

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LisaMarie Dias

Providing YOU with the tools and training YOU need to use Social Media and Email Marketing to grow YOUR Business

I show YOU how to leverage social media and email marketing to achieve profitable results! My patient teaching style, creative approach and deep knowledge of the wide variety of available options, allows me to design customized solutions which meet YOUR specific goals while accommodating YOUR level of technical knowledge, YOUR time and budget.

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