Getting Started on LinkedIn

With over 350 million professionals, and growing, LinkedIn is THE place to professionally network online.

Whether you are looking to establish yourself as an industry leader, gather intelligence on your trade or scope out the competition, this powerful, free tool can help YOU grow your business.

When you are ready to tap into this powerful professional tool, we can help! Getting started on LinkedIn includes setting up your account, starting to build your community and creating an effective, ongoing posting plan. We can also create widgets and links back to your website and other social profiles and show you how to monitor and maintain your presence on a regular basis to be sure to get the results you need!

If you have MULTIPLE LinkedIn accounts (a common problem!) we can consolidate and optimize your primary account as well! Other LinkedIn services offered include:

Available as:

One on One sessions in your office (in the NYC/ NJ area) or via webinar anywhere in the world

Online webinars – offered periodically, please check the website calendar

Group Workshops – please check the website calendar or schedule one for your office or networking group.

Check our calendar of events to see when the next webinar will be offered or contact LMD@LisaMarieDiasDesigns.com to set up an appointment to get started today!

“Well, if you thought you know all there was to know about leveraging LinkedIn, think again! I recently attended Lisa’s fantastic 3 hour seminar (which felt like less than an hour) packed with golden nuggets of information on how to optimize, maximize and monetize your LinkedIn profile. What you don’t know could hurt you, your business and your prospective opportunities. Lisa packs her presentation with tons of information and we were all still clamoring for more! I highly recommend any business person, sales person or entrepreneur to contact Lisa to help polish your presence and take your business to the next level.”

Denise Whiting Jones
Partner at J2 Collaborative Design, LLC