Email Marketing Set-up

Email Marketing Set-up services designed to get YOU up and running quickly and effectively!

During this 1 ½  – 2 hr hour session, we will:

  • Open a Constant Contact account (free trial)
  • Set up your account settings
  • Choose your e-newsletter template
  • Show you how to upload and insert images
  • Show you how to upload and import contacts
  • Show you how to input and edit content

By the end of the session, you will have your first e-newsletter started!

Follow-up services include:

  • Setting up a Welcome Email
  • Creating an Email Capture Link for your website and/or blog
  • Creating additional templates for Events, Sales Flyers, Holiday Mailings and more!
  • Setting up Polls and Surveys

Assistance with Strategy, Branding and Graphics also available as needed.

You will be given a list of items (your logo, images, text and your mailing list) to collect and forward to me before the initial session. While it is not necessary to have them all, by sending them in advance, we will actually upload and input them during the session, saving you time!

Once you have your enews set-up, see our Email Marketing One Year Plan to ensure real and lasting results!

BONUS: Sign up for BOTH the Email Marketing Set-Up Plan AND the Email Marketing One Year Plan and receive a discount as well as a FREE HOLIDAY MAILING!

Email LMD@LisaMarieDiasDesigns.com or call 212.664.1872 today to set up a time to get you up and running!

“Working with LisaMarie is fantastic. She is chock full of information, works quickly, is upbeat and has a beautiful sense of design. As an artist, designing a professional newsletter for my client base, I found her understanding of the nuance of my business and her added suggestions very helpful. I have been working with Constant Contact for 2 years, and one 2-hour session with LisaMarie saved me tons of time, taught me so much and moved me forward leaps and bounds; it would have taken me another year to find that information on my own. Working with LisaMarie is simply great!”

Brenda McMahon