Links and Resources

Facebook Privacy when Posting

There is a new round of status updates being shared on Facebook by people who are concerned that their posts…

Email Marketing ROCKS ROI!

Studies show that for every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on email marketing investment *   Email Marketing…

How to Leave a Facebook Conversation – tutorial

Facebook Groups can be useful; a private forum for discussion, a place to chat with High School friends or to…

How to Leave a Facebook Group – tutorial

Facebook Groups can be a great way to network, to stay in touch with friends and stay on top of…

Identifying Industry Experts and Blogs to Follow

    Today we will look at how you can identify industry experts and their blogs to stay up-to-date on…

7 Touches – A Basic Marketing Principle in Action

It is a basic marketing principle that it takes seven 'touches' before someone will internalize and/or act upon your call…

Advanced Search on Twitter

Did you know that there are a number of ways to search on Twitter, beyond the basic search bar at…

Can you BLOCK someone on LinkedIn?

I received this question today from a client: Q: Can I BLOCK someone from seeing my profile on LinkedIn? UPDATE:…

How to Close / Delete Your Instagram Account – Tutorial

Below are the steps to close/ delete your Instagram account Given all the news today about the proposed changes to…

Getting Started on Linked In – a Quick Checklist and Reminders

Your Linkedin Profile WILL be found by prospective clients, customers and patients – even if YOU don’t use it, others…