Links and Resources

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

There are a number of reasons to close your LinkedIn account, almost all related to having multiple accounts.  See my…

Hashtags on Twitter – How and why to use them – Tutorial

Thank you to Craig Chapman of CBA Empire for this great question: “I am at a tradeshow; everyone is talking…

The new Facebook Subscribe Feature – Tutorial

Here is the top Facebook question I have been getting this month: "What does it mean to 'subscribe' to someone…

LinkedIn Company Pages – now with status updates!

LinkedIn company pages have been available for quite a while.  Like a profile page for your business, these 'pages' are…

How Non-Profits are using Social Media – Links and Resources

As of October 31, 2011 Facebook will no longer support ‘Discussion’ tabs on their FB Pages.  I have always used…

Blogging Links and Resources

NOTE: Please see my Pinterest Board for Blogging Resources for up to date tips and resources  http://www.pinterest.com/lisamariedias/blogging-resources/ As of October…

Setting up a Vanity URL for LinkedIn – Tutorial

Please click here to see our updated tutorial on 'How to set up a Vanity URL on LinkedIn'   One…