Twitter Etiquette: Saying Thank You for Retweets

Twitter Etiquette: Saying Thank You for Retweets


Dr. Serena H. Chen is a client of mine who is very active on Twitter.  She uses it to share valuable fertility and health related information, establishing her expertise and her place as an industry leader.

Her tweets are frequently re-tweeted by others, expanding her reach. She is grateful for this social amplification and asked me for some ideas for thanking these people who are helping her by re-tweeting her posts.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • In the example above, you could thank her for the RT with an @reply (@sbmcmaternity thank you for the RT)
  • You could also Retweet one of her other posts
  • You could create a #FollowFriday and list her and few others that have been posting useful tips (#FF thank you to @sbncnaternity, @lisamariedias, for their great tips!)
  • If you are not already following this person, you may want to follow them as a thank you as well.
  • If you are curating a and this person’s tweets are appropriate, you may want to add them to the feed so they are included in your daily digests

And remember:  do not feel obligated to follow anyone back, nor to do anything more than a simple “Thank you” or “TY”.

Happy Tweeting!

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