How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

There are a number of reasons to close your LinkedIn account, almost all related to having multiple accounts.  See my other LinkedIn blog posts for those scenarios.  Once you are SURE that you want to close it down, and you are SURE that you are in the account that you want to close, here is how to close your LinkedIn Account:

UPDATED March 2014

1. Go to the upper right hand corner of your LinkedIn page, hover over the thumbnail photo of you and you will see a drop down menu of options. Click on the ‘Privacy Settings’, ‘Review’ link.

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

Note: LinkedIn may ask you to verify that you are the account owner by having you login again – this does not mean you made a mistake!

2. Click on the ‘Account’ tab at the bottom of the page to see a new tab of options and then the ‘Close your account’ link.

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

3. Click on the button that best describes why you are closing the account and continue.

How to Close Your LinkedIn Account – Tutorial

But don’t be left without a LinkedIn profile! These are a valuable, free way to gain exposure, establish your expertise and build your business network. Please call 212.664.1872 or email today if you need any help setting up an effective LinkedIn profile.

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